Foreshore, Cairns North, FN Qld IMG_7328 20231205 - Fourth summer. CLICK another pic.
Notes: Rare Asian wader. Nonbreeding adult pearly grey
above, snowy white below. Similar to
Common Greenshank , w. a more bull-headed appearance, shorter yellower
legs, & thicker bi- coloured bill, olive-green at the base, darkening
towards the tip. Webbed toes. Forages by running & lunging, like
smaller Terek Sandpiper . It nests
in trees along the Sea of Okhotsk coast in eastern Russia. Considered to
be a small crab-specialist in southern 'wintering' grounds.
Sightings from eBird© (to Mar 2021)
Foreshore, Cairns, FNE Qld IMG_2817 20240402 - Fourth summer just before migrating north CLICK for another pic.
Foreshore, Cairns, FNE Qld IMG_2130 20230330 - Fourth summer w. Bar-tailed Godwit. CLICK for Nodry w. Bar-tailed Godwit in non-breeding plumage on 20231128.
Foreshore, Cairns North, FNE Qld IMG_9832 20231221 - Fourth Summer taking off. CLICK flying w. Great Knots.
Foreshore, Cairns, FN Qld IMG_7922 20231211 - Fourth summer. CLICK for another pic: 20231219.
Foreshore, Cairns North, FNE Qld IMG_6629 20231128 - Fourth summer crab feed. CLICK wing stretch.
Foreshore, Cairns North, FN Qld IMG_6694 20231128 - Fourth summer; eating crab. CLICK for a pic 20231203.
Foreshore, Cairns, FN Qld IMG_7519 20231207 - Fourth summer w. Great Knots. CLICK for similar, 20240215.
Foreshore, Cairns, FNE Qld IMG_7552 20231207 - Fourth summer. CLICK for a pic: 20231218.
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Foreshore, Cairns North, FNE Qld IMG_6514 20231128 - Fourth summer, shortly after arrival.
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Foreshore, Cairns, FNE Qld IMG_7054 20240210 - Fourth summer; after dark w. Silver Gulls. Soon to depart.
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Foreshore, Cairns, FNE Qld IMG_2020 20240328 - Fourth summer: hunting for crabs